Do You Need a Physical Therapist or Personal Trainer?
Why not both?!
At BODY WORX, you can have your cake and eat it too.
Our Abilene Physical Therapists are also highly trained in Strength and Conditioning.
This makes them your one-stop shop to get out of pain, back to working out, and become the strongest and most resilient version of you.
Now more than ever, people understand and appreciate the importance of proper strength training. If you're reading this, chances are you're an active person and have some sort of strength training routine.
But, I bet you've also been hurt in the gym. Strength training injuries are one of the most common pain points we see here at BODY WORX PT. The sad part? After getting injured in the gym, most people are just too scared to lift weights or go back to the gym.
That's the opposite of how it should be.
And, this is the reason we have had so many people reach out looking for this hybrid Physical Therapist // Strength Coach to help them get out of pain, back to working out, and feeling more resilient than ever.
Our model isn't about just rehabbing your injuries & getting out of pain…it’s about helping keeping you out of pain by creating a resiliency plan to change your life!
How a physical therapist can help you with workouts:
They get you out of pain
Step number one, let's get you out of pain. You can't train when you're in pain, so we have to start there. Unlike popular beliefs, you can't just 'push through things' or think 'it'll eventually go away -- that's not how injuries work.
They know what limitations you have, and make sure you train around those
During stage 1 of physical therapy, you go through an in-depth evaluation and movement analysis which determines how your body works. Your PT determines what joints and tissues you have limitations in, what motions you strongest in, and what actions you should avoid to keep you from getting hurt. Once you graduate from 'traditional physical therapy', a strength rehabilitation plan is put in place based on your injury history, the way you move, and helping you gain more movement in the area your tightest.
They're the spotter you've always needed
Ever been at the gym and wanted someone to look at your form? How about someone checking your form that knows which exact positions and movements are going to recreate your pain? Our physical therapists are the best spotters in Abilene! Get in-person coaching from the person who knows your body best!
They're able to reel it back in when needed
If you're an active person, you're probably always going to need physical therapy. That's just how training hard works. The beauty of working with a PT? They're able to identify the chinks in your armor early on and can help train smarter not harder. Having a reoccurring time with a Physical Therapist means that on the weeks when you're feeling good, you train. On the weeks when your body needs some love, you do more manual therapy, stretching, and other more traditional physical therapy modalities.
Training with them helps make the impossible, possible
You may have thought to yourself, 'with this knee injury, I'll never be able to run my 2-mile loop around ACU again." Well -- going through physical therapy and strength training at BODY WORX will help make the impossible possible. We've had numerous people reach goals they never thought were possible. 2-mile loop? Pshh. How about a marathon!?
Going through physical therapy and making the transition into strength training with that same provider produces results unlike anything else. Having a doctoral-educated professional that understands the body better than anyone coaching, designing programs, and overlooking your health and wellness can honestly change your life.
NO ONE else in health care can say this. Having someone that can individualize a workout based on a thorough and individualized PT assessment is the unlocking of your true potential and ensures a life time of not getting hurt.
Do you want to be 75 years old and still be able to do everything you could in your 50s? I'm willing to be that answer is YES.
Ready to get started? Fill out the form below and one of our awesome team members will be in touch!
Our Mission: Helping Active People Stay Active so they can do the things they love, for life!